Game Jam results

Unfortunately, my entry didn’t place well. Overall I placed #531, which is about the half way mark.

My game

I made a fps game. In this game the player is playing a VR game console. The console constantly lies to the player. Eventually the player will leave the simulation.

The idea behind the VR game console came from the hosts including “the game is” in the title. That’s just how I interpreted it.

I’ve thought about continuing it. But I’m not exactly sure what direction I would want to take it in to really make it engaging and interesting.

Stats and Results

I had a total of five reviews. Here we the overall stats for my game.

  • Graphics: 3.043
  • Theme: 2.704
  • Audio: 2.366
  • Overall: 2.507
  • Innovation: 2.366
  • Game Design: 2.366
  • Fun: 2.19

I think I needed more reviews. Five is difficult to really get an accurate description of. I should have put my game out more, but it didn’t help that I had a large size downloadable game. I saw alot of entries were web based.

As, for the rest of the entries;Here are the results:

  • Overall Winner: Black and White
  • Fun: Jimposters
  • Innovation: Clickhead
  • Theme: Race Track: a track of lies
  • Graphics: The tutorial
  • Audio: Mendacium

It was a fun experience. I’m glad I did it. Next time I’ll probably try to do even better.